
Showing posts from January, 2023

Submit your photos

  Submit all of your pictures to All pictures submitted will be shared in the Gallery of Losers. Please only submit them if you are comfortable with this being done. Should you chance your mind at a later date, message me on patreon and I will be happy to help. Having fun and feeling safe are the two most important things, so let's keep it safe and happy :) Click here to return to my patreon page to add a comment if you've had fun, or to share your experience! Thank you for playing

Put on a show

  Looks like you get to be a stripper for the day as you got 'Put on a show!' Get those clothes back on and video yourself stripping. Make it sexy, make it funny or just take your clothes off! It's up to you. Submit your video and all of your pictures to All pictures and videos submitted will be shared in the Gallery of Losers. Please only submit them if you are comfortable with this being done. Should you chance your mind at a later date, message me on patreon and I will be happy to help. Having fun and feeling safe are the two most important things, so let's keep it safe and happy :) Click here to return to my patreon page to add a comment if you've had fun, or to share your experience! Thank you for playing

Al Fresco Nudity

I hope the weather isn't too bad wherever you are, because you got 'Al Fresco Nudity!' Take 1 (or more) additional picture of yourself naked... outdoors! Then s ubmit all of your pictures to All pictures submitted will be shared in the Gallery of Losers. Please only submit them if you are comfortable with this being done. Should you chance your mind at a later date, message me on patreon and I will be happy to help. Having fun and feeling safe are the two most important things, so let's keep it safe and happy :) Click here to return to my patreon page to add a comment if you've had fun, or to share your experience! Thank you for playing

Readers Choice!

  Looks like you get to show off a little bit more and get to take an order from someone else. You got 'Readers Choice!' S ubmit all of your pictures to along with the name you woukld like shown with your pictures. The first person who comments with your name gets to suggest a pose for another naked picture which you will then submit. All pictures submitted will be shared in the Gallery of Losers. Please only submit them if you are comfortable with this being done. Should you chance your mind at a later date, message me on patreon and I will be happy to help. Having fun and feeling safe are the two most important things, so let's keep it safe and happy :) Click here to return to my patreon page to add a comment if you've had fun, or to share your experience! Thank you for playing

Naked for a week!

  Looks like you get to show off a even more. You got 'Naked for a week!' S ubmit all of your pictures to then submit one more naked picture each day for the next 7 days! All pictures submitted will be shared in the Gallery of Losers. Please only submit them if you are comfortable with this being done. Should you chance your mind at a later date, message me on patreon and I will be happy to help. Having fun and feeling safe are the two most important things, so let's keep it safe and happy :) Click here to return to my patreon page to add a comment if you've had fun, or to share your experience! Thank you for playing

Just more nudity!

Looks like you get to show off a little bit more. You got 'Just more nudity!' Take 2 more naked pictures in poses of your choice, then s ubmit all of your pictures to All pictures submitted will be shared in the Gallery of Losers. Please only submit them if you are comfortable with this being done. Should you chance your mind at a later date, message me on patreon and I will be happy to help. Having fun and feeling safe are the two most important things, so let's keep it safe and happy :) Click here to return to my patreon page to add a comment if you've had fun, or to share your experience! Thank you for playing

No extra forfeits!

You took a risk... and it paid off. I hope you enjoyed the thrill. No extra forfeits for you! Submit all of your pictures to All pictures submitted will be shared in the Gallery of Losers. Please only submit them if you are comfortable with this being done. Should you chance your mind at a later date, message me on patreon and I will be happy to help. Having fun and feeling safe are the two most important things, so let's keep it safe and happy :) Click here to return to my patreon page to add a comment if you've had fun, or to share your experience! Thank you for playing


You took a risk and it didn't pay off (or maybe it did, you big exhibitionist!) Looks like you're getting naked! Remove all remaining clothing, take another picture and submit all of your pictures to All pictures submitted will be shared in the Gallery of Losers. Please only submit them if you are comfortable with this being done. Should you chance your mind at a later date, message me on patreon and I will be happy to help. Having fun and feeling safe are the two most important things, so let's keep it safe and happy :) Click here to return to my patreon page to add a comment if you've had fun, or to share your experience! Thank you for playing


Looks like the odds were not on your favour today. You lose. Submit all of your pictures to All pictures submitted will be shared in the Gallery of Losers. Please only submit them if you are comfortable with this being done. Should you chance your mind at a later date, message me on patreon and I will be happy to help. Having fun and feeling safe are the two most important things, so let's keep it safe and happy :) Click here to return to my patreon page to add a comment if you've had fun, or to share your experience! Thank you for playing


Looks like you got lucky today. No forfeot for you. Thanks for playing. If you enjoyed this, click here to go back to my patreon page and add a comment to share what happened! Thanks for playing!

You lose!

Sorry, wrong again, and that means off with your last item of clothing. Come on then, time for that final naked picture! How does it feel to lose? To know you're going to be exposed? To have every inch of you on show? You may have lost, but that doesn't mean the game is over quite yet. You have the choice to stop here. If you do, you just have to submit your pictures to me to be posted in the 'Gallery of Losers', where everyone will get to see your shame (and your penis lol). However, if you're in the mood to take an even bigger chance, see below for further options and decide how much you want to risk! Just a little risk If you feel like you want one final gamble, but still don't want to risk things going too badly, this is the option for you. See below for the possible outcomes and the odds of them coming out. 1. No extra forfeits - Just submit your pictures for the Gallery of Losers (4 in 6 chance) 2. Just more nudity - Take 2 more naked pictures in poses of

Incorrect guess

Wrong yet again. The odds are clearly not in your favour today! Remove one item of clothing and take another picture. One item left to go, probably you're underwear, which is certainly not enough to hide that boner! Click below to take your FINAL guess... 1 2 3 4 5 6

Incorrect guess

  Sorry, wrong again! You're clearly not very good at this! Remove one item of clothing and take another picture. Starting to look bad, isn't it! Then why are you hard? Admit it, I know you are! Click below to take your next guess... 1 2 3 4 5 6

Incorrect guess

  Nice try, but unfortunately you guessed incorrectly again! Remove one item of clothing and take another picture. Starting to feel a little exposed yet? Click below to take your next guess... 1 2 3 4 5 6

Incorrect guess

  Nice try, but unfortunately you guessed incorrectly. Remove one item of clothing and take another picture. Getting nervous yet? You should be... Click below to take your next guess...   1 2 3 4 5 6


Congratulations. You guessed correctly and won the game, saving yourself from humiliating public exposure! That doesn't mean it has to be over quite yet. If you're happy with the risks taken so far, you can end the game here. Just click this link to head back to my patreon to add a comment about your experience, and if you won, have your name entered in the 'Hall of Winners'. But if you'd prefer to take one final risk, choose how risk you want to go below: Nice and easy If you don't want to risk ending up fully naked, but still want to be seen, click the link below to take a gamble. The possible outcomes and the odds of them coming out are shown below: 1. Game over, no forfeit, congratulations (1 in 2 chance) 2. You have to submit all pictures taken so far to be posted in the 'Gallery of Losers' (1 in 2 chance) Click here to take this gamble Just a bit of a risk The odds are in your favour. Clicking the link below will risk a minor forfeit and a moderat

Incorrect guess

  Nice try, but unfortunately you guessed incorrectly. Remove one item of clothing, take another picture and then click below to take your next guess... 1 2 3 4 5 6

Master Matt's Interactive Expsoure Game - New Game

Start by taking a full length picture of yourself, wearing your starting six items of clothing. Ideally you should show your face, but it's okay if you choose not to. It really depends how big a risk you want to take... All you have to do to win is guess the number that's about to be rolled on a virtual dice. Guess correctly and you save yourself from embarrassment. Guess incorrectly and it will keep getting worse. If you play, you continue until you either guess correctly, or get given your final forfeit. So if you're ready, click your guess below... 1 2 3 4 5 6

Master Matt's Interactive Exposure Game - Intro Page

Welcome to Master Matt's Interactive Exposure Game. This is just a first trial of a new idea, so it may not be perfect, but hopefully it will be fun. By playing this game, you agree to pay the potential forfeits from losing (obviously this isn't legally binding, it's just a bit of fun, but it's definitely better if you really risk exposing yourself). To play, you should start by wearing six items of clothing. From there, just click the link below to begin a new game. CLICK HERE TO PLAY